Okay so yesterday I spoke with a mediator because I had some troubles with a doctor and yeah we kinda talked a bit about the problem all the misunderstandings and so on, but after that she began to talk to me and she said some things that actually made me think you know like:
I was explaining how I felt and I said:
"You know I'm a bit disappointed because I feel like I'm integrated (I'm mean I can talk the three languages, I know what the values and norms are (but you know they are very abstract :) and I respect them, even if it's hard for me to tolerate them, because they are quite different of mine ^^
But still I mean I don't do something wrong or you know I'm just a teenager and I try to have fun and to practice my religion, because that's actually the most important, right :D
So it's difficult for me to find the good balance but I try to, you know because I actually don't really have the choice, do I :D ?!"
Then she said something like: "But how much are you then actually Belgian if you have difficulties with that??"
ANd there I was like "yeah well yeah I don't know so yeah haha :/
We talked about a lot I mean we talked like more than a hour
We also said some things like: yeah people feel fastly attacted so we actually have to be very careful with the words we use and so on, we also talked about Jesus and yeah all the monotheïstic religions and so on, so yeah it was very interesting
It was interesting to see the vision of an old, good educated from Blegian origine, christian woman =))
Afterwards we went to Antwerp to see the one man shows in CC Merksem: 'Fear of a brown planet'
It was just AMAAAAAAAAAAAAZIIIIIIIIIINgg, seriously I laupght just for everything (except for the third guy who came up, because he wanted to make laugh people by humiliating them, what actually is absolutly not funny ^^)
But the to Australian guys were just hilarious here's a video, just enjoy :D
With love, Young SOul
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