vendredi 28 septembre 2012

The day of the 27th ^^

I'm verry tiered but it's weekend so I'm glad :D

Okay so yesterday I spoke with a mediator because I had some troubles with a doctor and yeah we kinda talked a bit about the problem all the misunderstandings and so on, but after that she began to talk to me and she said some things that actually made me think you know like:

I was explaining how I felt and I said:

"You know I'm a bit disappointed because I feel like I'm integrated (I'm mean I can talk the three languages, I know what the values and norms are (but you know they are very abstract :) and I respect them, even if it's hard for me to tolerate them, because they are quite different of mine ^^
But still I mean I don't do something wrong or you know I'm just a teenager and I try to have fun and to practice my religion, because that's actually the most important, right :D
So it's difficult for me to find the good balance but I try to, you know because I actually don't really have the choice, do I :D ?!"

Then she said something like: "But how much are you then actually Belgian if you have difficulties with that??"

ANd there I was like "yeah well yeah I don't know so yeah haha :/

We talked about a lot I mean we talked like more than a hour

We also said some things like: yeah people feel fastly attacted so we actually have to be very careful with the words we use and so on, we also talked about Jesus and yeah all the monotheïstic religions and so on, so yeah it was very interesting

It was interesting to see the vision of an old, good educated from Blegian origine, christian woman =))


Afterwards we went to Antwerp to see the one man shows in CC Merksem: 'Fear of a brown planet'

It was just AMAAAAAAAAAAAAZIIIIIIIIIINgg, seriously I laupght just for everything (except for the third guy who came up, because he wanted to make laugh people by humiliating them, what actually is absolutly not funny ^^)

But the to Australian guys were just hilarious here's a video, just enjoy :D

With love, Young SOul 

mercredi 26 septembre 2012

Bored ^^

Just to pass the time, I'm a bit tiered those days so I do a bit stupid things but nothing special :D

So here some wise words for you and at the first place for me :)

Love, Young SOul ^^

lundi 24 septembre 2012


So today was my first day of university

Well everything was going on so crazy, I din't know where I was and where I had to be :/

Haha but at the end I met some friends of my old school and nearly everything went right 'slowly' :p

It's a beautiful life, I hope everyone will taste it once ^^

If you are curious about how it first looked like here you have a picture ^^
(this is a picture of all the first year university of this year^^)

dimanche 23 septembre 2012

Erdogan you rule :))

Erdogan: Humiliating religions is unacceptable


Erdogan: wants islamophoby as an international criminal law  

How beautiful is it

If Albert says it ^^


"Should Muslims be worried about rising Islamophobia? Of course they should! As the recent report by the Institute of Race Relations, Pedlars of Hate, makes clear, anti-Islam bigotry is becoming a key element of the revival of the far Right – a Right that doesn’t merely slander Muslims but also takes action against them."

here is a link to the article :

Ignorance on Parade

Islamophobia, Left and Right



GoOOOoodd MoooOOOOrnig people

Today is the big cleaning so I know I'm gonna be tiered and tomorrow, guess what ?!!

FIRST SCHOOLday whuup ^^

Enjoying Brussels

I wanted to surprise my mom, I just wanted to take here out to dinner and to take her away of  the 'home stress'
But I don't think it helped although she was happy so that's the most important =)

{Ow yeah someone was painting with chalk, I enjoy people who do things to gain money you know, not just come to you and asks some pennies. Then you're like here you deserve it,take it ^^}

We ate Libanees and it was DELICIOUS =] I don't remember the name of what I ate but it was really good :p, and my mom took a Shawarma so foila :p

After that we walked to Häagen-Dazs and there we met some nice Congolese people with who we talked for a while and we changed some visions.

It's disappointing to see that people can't respect someone as person, that in the politics people do things just for their own benefit. If all the politicians and all the rulers of the world would have done something for a better world or you know, would have done something to really change things to let it make better I mean come on, there would be no more trouble in the world, would there?!

Haha me and my utopia, InsAllah in the cennah who knows, if we get there [one day insALlah ]

samedi 22 septembre 2012

Sects in Islam

This was on facebook on a page I am following:

Whenever i talk about sects and say that we must only follow what is in Quran and Sunna , some brothers/sisters jump on the conclusion that i am dividing the Ummah and that we need unity in this epoch and that i am a bad muslim who want to divide the Muslim Ummah ,

My answer is : the prophet pbuh said :

verily the Israelites were divided into 72 sects but my people will be divided into 73 sects, all of them will be in the fire except one.' The companions asked. 'Who are they O Messenger of Allah,' Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said. `They are those who will be like me and my companions.’
(Tirmidhi - Kitabul Eeman)

==> That is mean that i am not dividing the Ummah but it is divided by nature , and i am just trying to enlighten you about the right path , it is the path of those who follow Quran and Sunna ...

So please wake up ! and stop blaming me !
Vertaling bekijken

Someone replied:

Laila Hussain Sahih Muslim Hadith Hadith 4553 Narrated by Hudhayfah ibn al-Yaman

People used to ask the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) about the good times, but I used to ask him about
 the bad times fearing lest they should overtake me.

I asked the Messenger (saw) of Allah, we were in the midst of ignorance and evil, and then Allah brought us this good (time through Islam). Is there any bad time after this good one?

The prophet salat-o-wassalam replied: Yes.

I asked him (saw): Will there be a good time again after that bad time?

The messenger (saw) of Allah said: Yes, but in it will be a hidden evil.

I asked him (saw): What will be the evil hidden therein?

The messenger (saw) of Allah replied: (That time will witness the rise of) the people who will adopt ways other than mine and seek guidance other than mine. You will know good points as well as bad points.

Then I asked him (saw): Will there be a bad time after this good one?

The prophet salat-o-wassalam replied: Yes. A time will come when there will be people (scholars/ulema) standing and inviting at the gates of Hell. Whoever will respond to their call will be thrown into the fire.

I then asked him (saw): O'Messenger of Allah, describe them to us. He said: All right. They will be a people having the same complexion as ours and speaking our language.

Then I asked him (saw): O'Messenger of Allah, what do you suggest if I happen to live until that time?

The messenger (saw) of Allah replied: You should stay with the main body of the (rightly guided) Muslims and their Ameer.

I the asked him (saw): What if there's no (such thing as the rightly guided) main body and there's no Ameer either?

The the prophet salat-o-wassalam commanded: Then you must separate yourself from all the factions (innovated sects and madhabs) even if you may have to eat the roots of trees (in a jungle) until death comes to you in this state (of obedience only to Allah and the messenger of Allah).

So I think everything is said here :D


Hi everyone, lets begin our day with a great mans quote:

With love Young SOul xXxx

International Day of Peace

Today was the International Day of Peace so happy international day of peace to EVERYone :))

First when we came to La Place du Musée, we didn't really know what to expect and when we came in well there weren't that much persons actually, but the groove and the beat where at their place :D
We first sow some people dancing like Indians on good music (also a friend of me was doing kapuera in another group, we sow him doing that for a few minutes, but it was nice though ^^

Kel Assouf, a great group they were so good this evening
They know how to, at the same time: make the people go wild and then make them just enjoy the music, like this one !!

Listen and enjoy ^^

Afterwards we went to the cinema to watch the worst movie ever: Killer Joe. The first scene explains already everything, we just went out after a few minutes. I mean when I watch a movie it's not to see naked people all the time, I mean come on it was just disgusting man bah ^^
It was like so awkward, everyone was watching porn live, it was just gha whatever ^^

And know its time to do dodo, so goodnight everyone and don't forget to enjoy everything you do :D

Young SOul ^^

vendredi 21 septembre 2012


I made some food and then realized that everybody was still sleeping, so I had to eat it on my own :(

And then like it wasn't enough the song of Akon played on trace: I'm mister lonely :( !!

But who cares,today is a blessed day whuuuUUUuuup !!


Today it's Friday and they say that during Friday, there  is a time where every prayer is accepted, so don't forget me in your prayers or dua's like we say :D ^^


jeudi 20 septembre 2012


Hi everyone

Because today and the next two days the cinema's are only 4euro's I went to the cinema and watched LAWLESS, it was chill and funny at the same time, I just enjoyed the movie :D

Afterwards we went to Avenue Louise, because all the stores were open and they served some drinks: of course the first thing I did was to go to the chocolate store to taste the free chocolate fountain muahahahaaa

We afterwards decided to do some shopping and there was that one store where a guy asked if he could take a picture of me for the facebook page of the store and I was like: 'euh okay but with my cousin then'
So yeah I'm exited to see how I look like on the picture ^^

At least I really enjoyed walking through the beautiful streets of Brussels ^^

Gn everyone Young SOul!!

mercredi 19 septembre 2012


Here are some #msulimrage 's I found on twitter which made me really laugh, so here you go, enjoy :D ^^

Egyptians calling for a 3-day boycott of Google/You-Tube for refusing to remove clips insulting prophet Mohamed.  

RT : When the food is too good and you're too hungry but nothing is halal. FML 

Not knowing how many cheek kisses are due 

"What do you mean you don't serve chocolate milk at this pub?!"

Can't remember if it's the 3rd rakat or 4th. 

Being born in the Chinese year of the pig. 

You lose your nephew at the airport but you can't yell his name because it's JIHAD. 

Someone compliments you, BUT FORGETS TO SAY MASHALLAH.

Finding out something you've loved eating all your life has geletine in it :/ 

When someone makes a stupid film which looks like an 8 year old made it and idiots violently over react and make us look bad

When you forget to put your cell on silent and your class of 500 hear a loud & alarming ALLAAAAHHU AKBAR ALLAAAAHHH...

I make popcorn, the neighbors call the police. 

I'm having such a good hair day. No one even knows. 

The 72 virgins turn out to be all males 

There's no prayer room in this nightclub!