When I see or even hear those injustice, my stomach just crisps I mean augh I just can't handle it!!
So today there were two docu's, the first one was a docu named 'My Neighbourhood'. It's the story tolled by Mohammed a kid who lives in Sheikh Jarrah with his grandmother and was obligated to quite his house because of the Israelite people who put them out of their house just to live there.
And it explains that the Jewish people came to help them and it shows that not all the Jewish people are 'bad' or are of the same mentality of the Israelis. (The term that they use the describe those persons is 'colonists', I don't know if it's only for me but when I hear that word it gives me a bad sentiment ^^)
This is the boy Muhammed
And this is one of the Israelite that protested and also got arrested because she was on the side of the 'Devil' namely the Palestinians
Interesting short film (here is a link
Afterwards we saw a revolting documentary about Hebron a city in Palestine. It's a docu that shows that even if there is not the same big violence as in Gaza the oppression is also very big there and not supportable! What they try to do is to make the life of the Palestinians so unlivable that the Palestinians will go out by their self. They do such things like (I'm serious when I say that I just couldn't believe what I sow man!) you know build trellises and so they try to stuck people in their home, there are a lot of places they just locked and the Palestinians can't get in. Some people have to do whole detour to get to their house just because everywhere is locked. Thy can't go to some places whit they cars and so on! But the worse is that the Israelite people can hit or even hurt the Palestinians but they can't hit back and the soldiers are all Israelite and they have as order to protect the Israelite people. So if a Palestinian tries to hit back they get arrested. So it is allowed for an Israelite to hit a Palestinian but not otherwise (look at the justice pff)
There were so much things that just you know revolted me that ghau
But it's not only physic it's also moral you know, the shame because of the way they treat people (even beast aren't treated like that). Imagine you're a father and someone yells at you or (what happened in the movie slaps you) in front of your family! When I saw that I felt so bad I mean, how can you have that rage in you, from where does it come! Seriously I don't understand !!
The name of the docu is : 'This is my land Hebron'
There is something they said during the movie that really kept my attention: 'The Palestinians are the most patient people on earth!' And when you see this docu you realize that it's true, I swear!
That's also due to Islam, I'm sure!!
Why all that anger ?!
Laugh best who laughs last !
the illegally built colonies on Palestinian territories
So strong people, strong woman!
Afterwards there was a debate with the persons who contributed to the documentary and yeah we had a talk with them they were from Italy so it was nice to talk with them and at the end we learned that we could go to Hebron to see the situation the Muslims live there every single day and night !!
Here you have a link four the Hebron-tour
Enjoy, Young SOul !
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