dimanche 7 octobre 2012

Mon intime conviction ~ Tariq Ramadan

When you have a train drive of 1h30, the best thing to do is: to read ^^

And so I just red the book that Tariq Ramdan wrote: Mon intime conviction. That day I finished the book and it was just a beautiful book about EVERY single thing and I learnd so much. I just recomend this book to everyone, JUST READ IT and you'll see what I mean !!

Here you have a taste :D ^^

I took he train because I was Actually on the road to a wedding, the wedding of my friend. I actually had a bad image of teenagers that got married but, after I saw her and other of my friends who were happy after their (teenage)wedding and their 'home', it made me realise that it wasn't because they married young that they couldn't  enjoy their youth anymore or that they couldn't be happy. So that was a good lesson and a beautiful evening :D

          We enjoyed the traditional dances !

Enjoy, Young SOul!

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