lundi 24 décembre 2012

Things ^^

I'm in this mood and I have my exams coming, oelalaah I know someone who's going to be complaining about it afterwards when she will see her results ^^

Young SOul o_O

dimanche 23 décembre 2012

Being grateful for what we have, Elhamdulillah

The importance of a smile of a help, you understand it when you see people in need ^^

 in Central station there were more than 200 people, it's unbelievable!

this is a beautiful family, when you look at them u won't think they are in need or that they haven't a home and that's actually the biggest problem now in our society, we can't see the poor (except those who are really in a bad situation).

 Even Santa was in the place to collect some money for the help! 

Okay you see this couscous, well it was calling our name it wanted that we eat him, but we just couldn't! When you look at it you think Mama Mia, well the smell said 'Eat me, eat me!'

Oks we were maybe not that good organised, but everything got away nothing was left!!

They still can smile, life continues!

Young SOul

mardi 18 décembre 2012

Ras El Hanout

A beautiful peace of theater, that I will recommend to everyone!!

The way they made us laugh was just amazing because actually it were serious items, things you actually wouldn't even give a smile ^^

 Just to see this pics it makes me smile!

Ras El Hanout, thanks you made my day!!

lundi 10 décembre 2012

Help au sans-abris

Today was a special day, today I did something I wish I could do everyday, today was a new day a new start.

People are unfair and that leads to too much injustice, I just hate it and the fact that we could help them today (even if it wasn't that much persons) well it feels good.

Good Night!

Young SOul

mardi 4 décembre 2012

Princess Hijab

Today I found a crazy artist, When I say crazy I'm serious!

Princess Hijab is the artist I'm talking about, she just puts veils on 'too nude' adds, it's crazy that she got that idea!

Here you have some pics of her work in the metro stations of Paris (France: where the Burka is prohibited ^^)

this one I don't really like actually :/ ^^

this one looks like a real hijabi :p ^^

I can understand that some Muslims are shocked by these pics or don't even tolerate these pics but sometimes you have to shock to show how absurd some prohibitions are and everyone has his own way to show it ;)!

Young SOul

vendredi 30 novembre 2012

Nuit du savoir sur Bxl, nacht van de kennis over Bxl

Today was a day of knowledge ;)

No seriously, today I learned some things about Brussels but then with the 'numbers'. What I mean with it is that there were a lot of knowledged people who were invited to talk about Brussels and they strengthened their arguments with numbers. It' was interesting for some parts, but you know it was the kind of thing where, unfortunately, you see just one 'kind of vision', if you understand what I mean!

The thing that I really loved is that they said that Brussels was going to be the capital of Europe. And you know what, they're right! Brussels is going to be, but if we aren't ready to assume that, well then Brussels will be the broken capital of Europe .. ^^

dimanche 25 novembre 2012

Pro-Palestinian demonstration @ Brussels

I think the biggest pro-Palestinian manifestation of the year in Belgium, we were like 2000 persons I think ;)!

Here is a video that shows how it was!

We walked from Brussels-North to Brussels-Midi
It was crazy: young-old, everyone was there!

Once we arrived someone talked about the truth and afterwards we ended the day with a beautiful recitation of the Qur'an :) and a lot of dua's!!

With love and dua's Young SOul :) ^^

vendredi 23 novembre 2012

Palestine will live, Palestine will conquer!

What a crazy day!!

Today we went to a Pro-Palestinian manifestation (yes I swear there are also Contra-Palestinian manifestations [Pro-Isreali], that quite shows in how a world we actually live ^^)

It was crazy, at the beginning we were just a few persons but afterwards we were a lot and not even the rain stopped us, it's like it made come more people ^^

We were angry and motivated, everyone was yelling words and every time a car crossed and toot we were like getting crazy!!

What also took my attention was that there were a lot of young and some elder persons who guided the 'sound of the people' :)

Here you have a small video that gives the image of the night ^^

In solidarity with Palestine!!

And then you have the ones who make you laugh, this guy really made my day!!

Afterwards there was a speech of Tariq Ramadan and someone other persons but I unfortunately forgot their name :s.
Like always it was very interesting, I really admire this man! He's an inspiration!!

What I really loved is the beginning with a Surat, recited beautifully ^^

Tariq Ramadan will always surprise me with his professionalism! The answers he gave to the questions of the public, his sarcasme will always kill me :D!!

Young Soul ^^

dimanche 18 novembre 2012

Zaman Benelux

After the concert we went to a place where there was an exposition of the Turkish newspaper, namely ZamanBenelux. Some jounalist wnet to some cities of Turkey to see how the culture was there and to take pictures and at the end they did an exposition of it a bit everywhere in the countries, like here in Brussels.

I was just disappointed because of the crosses there was on the Muslim pictures, it were crosses someone did.. And at a moment there was written 'Kurdistan' ^^
So yes, it's a pity ^^

Young SOul

Marcel Khalifé

Today I made a new discovery, I went to the concet of Marcel Khalifé and his musical band, it was an explosion of sensations. It was an envouting evening, I just loved it. Afterwards I read the articles of Bleri Lleshi and it made me more happy because of the opinions of Marcel Khalifé (who was Interviewed by Bleri).

What a man, what a visions, I'm just in love ;) !!

The fact that he sings for Palestine (and the fact that his songs are also inspiered by Mahmoud Darwish) made this evening symbolic for me. Thanks for that Marcel Khalifé!!


Love, Young SOul!!

mercredi 14 novembre 2012

Oh Dear Palestine ^^

I'm upset, I Pray for you  :'(

Happy Islamic New Year ^^

Today is the Islamic New Year, my Allah swt Forgive us all and accept us in His beautiful paradise.
Hope peace will be spread this year and that it will be a beautiful year!!

Yeahhh mann :))

Love Young SOul!!


I'm happy for the 14N strike (14 november strike), but I'm just so sad for what's happening in Gaza that I can't be happy (I know it's an everyday situation but still now it's worser :'( ^^

Spain: manifestation for a solidary Europe

Read the article where everything is explained in (the reasons why we protest!!)  

lundi 12 novembre 2012

My opinion

The 11/11/2012 I sent my Opinion about the actual society to De Tijd, and today I received  the affirmation of the shipment + I'm happy because now I'll have the newspaper at home :))

dimanche 11 novembre 2012

Göksel Baktagir

What an artists, what a night!!

The concert began with a beautiful melody called 'Pleasure' I just enjoyed the moment, I really needed a concert that could relax me and my soul ^^

After that Göksel Baktagir explained that to explain the East, we needed another way. So he asked if we were ready for a pleasant journey to the East, for 'The wind of the East'.

Afterwards the group took us to other worlds with: Asia-Azarbeycan-Country-Merhaba-Rose Garden-Rose of My Soul.



They wanted to carry out the energy of the Black Sea with Horon- Derin Olgunlugu.

They also commemorated a Turkish artist who died recently: Neset Ertas with his youth-story: Garip.

The evening followed with: The Silky Road-Mahur- Vuslat- Crop Time- Talking Dram (solo)- While go to Uskadur and to finish with: Nihavend Longa. 

A beautiful evening that I won't forget!! I got out of the room with peace ^^

Enjoy, Young SOul!

jeudi 8 novembre 2012

Politics and Activism

The evening was interesting because of two beautiful activist with great visions namely: Dominique Willeart and Bleri Lleshi. They explained their involvement, their kind of engagement. It's always nice to listen to experienced persons and to hear their visions, their difficulties, their hope and of course to listen to their advise.

I wont really go into what they said but just say in big the 'topics' they treated.
For Bleri it was more about the fact that the youth is to much depoliticized and that it's a pity and what we must do to politicize them back.

For Dominique it was more the thing that people are to much  used to do things like it is expected to do it. For him it's a pity because he helped a lot of persons but at his manner (like drug addicted people) with going back to the real reason (what he concluded were actually social-economic problems, like Bleri always says), the existential reasons ^^
(the fact that everything was institutionalized, was a bad thing and regrettable)
he also said that art was an important way of expression.
Also a thing he said was that, in these times there are a lot of psychological troubles and the reason of that was because of the capitalistic society.

I couldn't stay for the (often) most interesting part, namely the questions of the public.

I'm sorry, it's very concise but the thing with debates is that you have to be there otherwise reading it will be boring :p

Young SOul :)

mercredi 7 novembre 2012


Aerosol Arabic alias Mohammed Ali, a Kalligraffittist (a combination of Islamic calligraphy and graffiti).

I really admire his job, how wouldn't I?! Just take a look :)

transformation ^^

I took all the info of this article (it's in Dutch)

A very interesting article (it's an interview of Mohammed Ali), that I recommend you to read!!
I learned also a lot with this artist, he has a beautiful view of things. The way he expresses his art, his visions are also very interesting like he's motivations and the fact that he can combine an old form of art (Arabic calligraphy) with a contemporaneous art from makes the whole 'expression' more beautiful!!
He tries to change the image that people have, expressly after 9/11, of Islam and so he tries to stop the stereotypes.

If you can read the article, it's a bit long but as I said VERY INTERESTING :))

Young SOul!

lundi 5 novembre 2012

Interesting chat

Wow what a discussion, I am just fascinated !! Today I had a chat with someone I met during the 'Festival des libertés' and it was a chill and nice chat ^^

Now I understand why in the past they gave that much importance to philosophers! It's because it brings up new ideas and at the same time also makes your own vision stronger, because the way you see your vision gets actually criticized and so you learn to handle that and at the same time it makes you think about the 'why's of your vision..

The discussions were about a bit everything, you know^^ Like my faith, the reasons of my veil, the challenges that goes with them and also what my challenges actually were or had to be^^

The unanswered philosophical statements that are still in my mind are (it's not because it are 'unanswered questions' that my own vision is in trouble or that I doubt about some things, I mean no, it are just ways to make me think about it and also to make me reflect about them!) So here we go:

  • How can it be that a religion allows the fact that your studies got put beside because it 'obligates' you to ware a veil that is not acceptable in your society? (even if it's not an obligation and that you can chose to put your veil off, we're not considering that side) But maybe the studies you were doing could have been your destiny or the job where you would excel in, how could you handle that ^^
  • How can you know that a thing is 'the' thing (the 'one') without 'experiences' ^^
So yes, we did a lot of philosophy today but that was really a guy who I can call 'free of mind' and without prejudice! Because it was someone who was ready to discus about everything even if he had another opinion, someone who's ready to follow your idea and to try to understand it even if it's against he's own opinion. And who, at the end of the talk can say that he was glad with the talk because it didn't end in fight :p

Afterwards I went to a movie with my mommy, what was welcome after all the talk ^^

dimanche 28 octobre 2012

Last day of #FestivalsDesLibertés

Today was the last day of the Festival so we tried to enjoy more :))

we wanted to go to Facebook Follies but we were late so we couldn't see the docu, but I think it's the moment to show you the 'artistic' side of the Festival :p. There were some pictures put on the walls, so I pictured a few ones, here they are: 

Here you had the 'debate' place and it was also used as a 'concert' place

A boy is waiting for his father at the Masisi hospital in North-Kivu 

Ooh look how interested I am :)
 Ohw what these little men are suppose to mean, well I let you imagine :)


A non-industrial miner at the bottom of the mine drup in Lubumbashi goes to the portion where he can work with a group in the hope finding ore

I didn't wanted to show the pic that is with this one ^^

The program of today ^^

 Waiting for the debate ^^

So finally the debate began after the docu: Facebook Follies as introduction. It was an interesting debate but unfortunately we couldn't stay till the end because another documentary was going to begin.

The debate was about the fact that if we use to much the same source (like only use Fb, Google, Wikipedia ...) well we'll make the multinational have more power and they said it was also a kind of censure because of the info and so on. I'm sorry I don't remember anymore what they said, but they said they would put the power-point online but I can't find them, ones I will I'll put it here^^

Afterwards a group of young person got together to make a movie about the actual crises and what they thought about it. It were persons from all over the world like Vietnam, Bulgaria, Senegal, Canada and so on.
Their conclusion was that the crises was, in a kind of way, in our head (we have to change the way we are used to see,or used to do things too ^^

So there were some things they said that capt my intention

  • People are afraid of the unknown, and that's the situation right now
  • The crises is only important when the rich people are also blended in it
  • People became consumer and the crises is mental, because the way you live is the way you see life 
  • You have a different point of view of the crises and that depends on of the place you take in the society
  • Here in Belgium we feel the crises less because we have a good social hulp, because every social cless is touched by the crises ^^
Here is a picture of the two groups that made two short vids

At the end of the day they gave the prices so the docus could be promoted a bit everywhere over the world. The docu that won the biggest prices was of course 5 broken cameras

It was about Bil'in, what I really admired was that it was like we were there, doing those protest with them together, I don't know how to explain it but it's an amazing docu that explains the 'every-day' situation of the occupied territories: how they feel, their fears, but also their bravure, their perseverance, their faith!

I admire the Palestinians for their patience, don't forget them in your payers!!

Afterwards we needed something to calm down, so we went to the concert of Antibalas, it was fulll (I don't like concerts that are full because I need my own space to enjoy you know :p) so we listened two songs and then we left ^^

I learned a lot those ten days, I hope next year it will be the same!! InsAllah :)

Peace and Love, Young SOul!!